20 December 2012
Obama announces task force on gun violence
By Joseph Kishore, 20 December 2012
While working to obscure the social roots of the mass killing in Connecticut, the Obama administration is seizing on the tragedy to press for expanded police powers under the banner of “gun control.”
UBS Libor-rigging settlement exposes pervasive bank fraud
By Andre Damon, 20 December 2012
The Libor scandal has laid bare the rampant criminality in the operations of the world's major banks.
Daughter of former South Korean dictator wins presidency
By Ben McGrath, 20 December 2012
Park Geun-hye’s election represents a turn to authoritarian forms of rule by the South Korean corporate elite.
US, Arab allies call for intervention in Syria after bombing of Palestinian camp
By Jean Shaoul, 20 December 2012
All media reports of the bombardment of Yarmouk stress that the Syrian government is guilty of a crime and must pay a price.
Bangladesh factory fire report blames “sabotage”
By Oliver Campbell, 20 December 2012
The report covers up the responsibility of the government and the major international corporations that exploit cheap labour in Bangladesh.
Pakistan: Ethnic violence in Karachi deadliest since 1994
By Ali Ismail, 20 December 2012
Pakistan’s largest city is being ravaged by increasingly bloody ethnic and sectarian violence, as gangs associated with rival establishment political parties fight over turf and criminal rackets.
Government threatens UK teachers with pay cuts as punishment for industrial action
By Julie Hyland, 20 December 2012
By threatening teachers with pay cuts, the government intends to create a precedent that will be used against all public-sector workers.
US Department of Agriculture pushes for weaker rules on poultry industry
By James Brewer, 20 December 2012
Under new rules, the USDA will remove inspectors and speed up production lines.
New in Persian
مشخصات رفراندوم قانون اساسي در مصر: ميزان مشاركت پايين همراه با سوظن به تقلبات در رأيگيري
17 دسامبر 2012 يوهانس اشترن
مرحله اول رأيگيري پيش نويس قانون اساسي در كشور مصر در 10 استان از 27 استان، از جمله در دو تا از بزرگترين شهرهاي اين كشور، در قاهره و شهر ساحلي اسكندريه روز دوشنبه صورت گرفت. براي 17 استان باقي مانده، تاريخ رأيگيري روز 22 دسامبر تعيين شده است.
New in Spanish
Los extorsionistas de NML Capital
Por Ernst Wolff, 20 Diciembre 2012
El fondo buitre NML Capital ha demandado a la Argentina en los tribunales neoyorkinos por más de 1.3 mil millones de dólares.
El ingreso nacional Australiano disminuye a medida que se intensifica la recesión mundial
Por Mike Head, 20 Diciembre 2012
Lejos de ser inmune a la crisis economical global, Australia se acerca a una nueva recession económica.
New in French
Le nouveau gouvernement japonais engage un dangereux tournant vers le militarisme
Par Peter Symonds, 20 décembre 2012
Le nationalisme droitier qui imprègne la campagne électorale montre la détermination de la classe dirigeante japonaise à réaffirmer ses intérêts par tous les moyens possibles, y compris la force militaire.
La centrale syndicale tunisienne UGTT annule la grève générale de 24h contre les islamistes
Par Antoine Lerougetel et Alex Lantier, 20 décembre 2012
A la dernière minute la centrale syndicale UGTT annule la grève générale de 24h visant à protester contre l'attaque de gros bras Islamistes contre des adhérents de l'UGTT
New in Romanian
Mass-media şi politicienii ascund rădăcinile sociale ale crimelor din Conneticut
De Joseph Kishore, 20 decembrie 2012
În mass-media americană şi în cadrul clasei politice nu poate fi găsită nicio analiză privind condiţiile sociale şi politice, care dau naştere la crimele în masă din SUA.
New in Turkish
Sonu gelmeyen kemer sıkma
Peter Schwarz, 20 Aralık 2012
Gerçekte, Yunanistan’da ve Avrupa’da, işçi sınıfının toplumsal kazanımları ve demokratik hakları, yalnızca, kapitalist sistemin alaşağı edilmesinden ve toplumun sosyalist temelde yeniden örgütlenmesinden yana devrimci bir perspektife dayanarak savunulabilir. SYRİZA, ‘Sol Parti’ler, sendikalar ve onlara bağlı bir dizi sahte sol örgüt, bu tür bir perspektife şiddetle karşılar.
Mısır’ın önerilen anayasası diktatörce yetkileri ve askeri yönetimi yüceltiyor
Chris Marsden, 20 Aralık 2012
Mısır’daki Kurucu Meclis, [29 Kasım] Perşembe günü, Müslüman Kardeşler ve Devlet Başkanı Muhammed Mursi tarafından gerçekleştirilen saldırgan bir hamleyle, hazırlanmış yeni anayasayı oylamaya başladı.
Seçimlerin ardından: Obama Ortadoğu’daki savaş kışkırtıcılığını kızıştırıyor
Bill Van Auken, 20 Aralık 2012
Geniş bir sözde liberal ve “solcu” kesimi tarafından “insani” müdahaleyi gerektiren bir kriz olarak gösterilen Suriye’deki savaşın acımasız ve kanlı bir fetih faaliyeti olduğu her zamankinden daha açık bir şekilde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Washington ve bütün büyük güçler, kanlı bir mezhep savaşını kışkırtmada, Beşar Esad rejimini devirmeyi amaçlayan daha doğrudan bir askeri müdahalenin ve onun müttefiki İran’a karşı daha büyük bir savaşın hazırlığında yer almaktadır.
New in German
Neue japanische Regierung stärkt Militarismus
Von Peter Symonds, 20. Dezember 2012
Der von Nationalismus und Militarismus geprägte Wahlkampf hat gezeigt, dass die herrschende Klasse ihre japanischen und globalen Interessen mit allen, auch militärischen Mitteln verteidigen wird.
Junta zwingt malischen Premier zum Rücktritt
Von Ernst Wolff, 20. Dezember 2012
Am vergangenen Montag verhaftete die malische Militärjunta Modibo Diarra, den Premierminister des Landes, und zwang ihn unter Androhung von Gewalt, seinen Rücktritt zu erklären.
Im Gedenken an Keerthi Balasuriya
Von David North, 20. Dezember 2012
Dieser Artikel wurde zuerst am 18. und 19. Dezember 2007 in zwei Teilen auf der WSWS gepostet.
Other Languages
- Deutsch
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- Die Linkspartei mobilisiert für den Krieg gegen Syrien (22.12.2012)
- UN gibt zu: In Syrien herrscht ein konfessioneller Bürgerkrieg (22.12.2012)
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- Empörung in Griechenland wächst (21.12.2012)
- USA: Michigan und das Gesetz zum "Recht auf Arbeit" (21.12.2012)
- Irland: United Left Alliance stellt "alternativen" Haushaltsplan vor (21.12.2012)
- Neue japanische Regierung stärkt Militarismus (20.12.2012)
- Junta zwingt malischen Premier zum Rücktritt (20.12.2012)
- Im Gedenken an Keerthi Balasuriya (20.12.2012)
- Die bleibende Bedeutung von Leben und Werk des Genossen Keerthi Balasuriya (19.12.2012)
- Français
- Appels en faveur d’un démantèlement de la démocratie lors d’une conférence organisée par un grand quotidien allemand. (22.12.2012)
- L'importance persistante de la vie et de l'œuvre du camarade Keerthi Balasuriya (21.12.2012)
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- Le nouveau gouvernement japonais engage un dangereux tournant vers le militarisme (20.12.2012)
- La centrale syndicale tunisienne UGTT annule la grève générale de 24h contre les islamistes (20.12.2012)
- La pseudo-gauche australienne soutient l’intervention impérialiste en Syrie (19.12.2012)
- L’horreur à Newtown (18.12.2012)
- La Syrie en ligne de mire (17.12.2012)
- Au-dessus de la loi (17.12.2012)
- L’establishment américain et la grossesse royale britannique (17.12.2012)
- Español
- Los extorsionistas de NML Capital (20.12.2012)
- El ingreso nacional Australiano disminuye a medida que se intensifica la recesión mundial (20.12.2012)
- El escándalo de HSBC demuestra que los bancos están por encima de la ley (18.12.2012)
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- Русский
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- Кремль готовит программу строгой экономии (19.04.2012)
- Português
- Assassinato racista na Grécia reflete crescente influência neonazi (18.10.2012)
- EUA ampliam vigilância militar secreta na África (06.08.2012)
- Devastadora seca nos EUA anuncia alta generalizada dos preços dos alimentos no mundo (06.08.2012)
- Fundador da WikiLeaks Julian Assange fala com o WSWS (27.04.2012)
- As origens da crise do Euro: Parte 2 (01.03.2012)
- As origens da crise do Euro: Parte 1 (25.02.2012)
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- Demissões atingem trabalhadores da GM, Nokia e Pepsico (15.02.2012)
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- Operários da Foxconn ameaçam protesto suicida na China (20.01.2012)
- Construindo a Revolução: arte e arquitetura soviética entre 1915 e 1935 (20.01.2012)
- 中文
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- 中国的领导层变更 (10.11.2012)
- 奥巴马与罗姆尼的外交政策辩论
美帝国主义的两个卫道士 (01.11.2012) - 富士康罢工和全球阶级斗争 (16.10.2012)
- 公开信要求罢免中国总理 (09.10.2012)
- 中国血汗工厂剥削学生 (03.10.2012)
- 反对中日民族主义 (26.09.2012)
- 社平党(美国)全国代表大会第一号决议
社会主义平等党的观点 (18.09.2012) - 南非矿场大屠杀 (28.08.2012)
- 美国报告建议在西澳大利亚建立航母基地 (16.08.2012)
- 帝国主义列强公诸它们提议的叙利亚军事强人 (06.08.2012)
- 奥罗拉惨案:再一次去逃避,而非解释 (28.07.2012)
- 希拉里的全球纵火之行 (25.07.2012)
- 警察国家式的2012年奥运会 (21.07.2012)
- 大规模示威迫使中国当局取消工业项目 (21.07.2012)
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- >>
Fiscal cliff talks get down to business
Obama proposes Social Security cuts
20 December 2012
The cuts in Social Security and other critical social programs proposed Tuesday by Obama demonstrate the bipartisan agreement that the working class must pay for the crisis of American capitalism.
Arts Review
Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty: Hollywood embraces the “dark side”
By Bill Van Auken, 20 December 2012
Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty brings to film-making what “embedded” reporting did for journalism—an uncritical embrace of and identification with the military-intelligence complex and its crimes.
“Andrew Marr’s History of the World”: A slur against revolution
By Thomas Scripps, 19 December 2012
Socialist Equality Party
Tsar to Lenin premiered in Berlin
By Elizabeth Zimmermann, 20 December 2012
An audience of well over a hundred attended the first public screening in Germany of the film Tsar to Lenin in Berlin last Saturday.
The enduring significance of the life and work of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya
18 December 2012
The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site today mark 25 years since the death of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya, the general secretary of the Revolutionary Communist League, forerunner of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka
In Memory of Keerthi Balasuriya
By David North, 18 December 2012
This article was originally posted on the WSWS in two parts on December 18-19, 2007.
Sri Lankan SEP marks 25th anniversary of Keerthi Balasuriya’s death
By our correspondent, 19 December 2012
SEP members and supporters attended the memorial ceremony in the Colombo General Cemetery.
Ravi Shankar, acclaimed Indian musician, dies at 92
By Kapila Fernando, K. Ratnayake and Peter Symonds, 20 December 2012
What was unique about Ravi Shankar was the breadth of his interests, willingness to experiment and passion for making classical Indian music available to the world.
The Australian Labor government and the “mummy bloggers”
By Patrick O’Connor, 20 December 2012
The feminist “rebranding” of Gillard is part of the Labor Party’s desperate efforts to prevent an electoral rout at next year’s federal election.
New Japanese government marks dangerous turn to militarism
By Peter Symonds, 19 December 2012
Germany’s Left Party and the closure of GM-Opel’s Bochum plant
By Dietmar Henning, 19 December 2012
Times prescription for “When the Doctor Is Not Needed”
By Kate Randall, 19 December 2012
Killings highlight epidemic of police violence in US
By Tom Carter, 19 December 2012
Horror in Newtown
By the editorial board, 17 December 2012
Stone tools and the evolution of modern human cognition
By Philip Guelpa, 18 December 2012
This Week in History: December 17-23
Ivan Boesky, 50 years old and one of Wall Street's most successful speculators, was sentenced to three years in prison on December 18, 1987.
The first free elections in the history of the Dominican Republic, held December 20, 1962, resulted in the election of the left bourgeois nationalist Juan Bosch.
The first reports of the mass slaughter of Chinese residents of the city of Nanking by invading Japanese forces reached the world December 18, 1937.
On December 18, 1912, one of the most notorious of scientific hoaxes began.
Letters from our readers
20 December 2012
A selection of recent letters to the World Socialist Web Site.
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