Democratic Rights in Europe
Spanish government prepares repressive measures against social opposition
By Vicky Short, Alejandro López, December 6, 2012
Mariano Rajoy’s Popular Party government is preparing to impose €90 billion in budget cuts over the next two years.
German Left Party opposes religious circumcision
By Justus Leicht, October 9, 2012
Opposition to laws that permit a religious practice carried out for thousands of years comes not only from the extreme right, but also from the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Left Party.
In response to Muslim protests
Europe strengthens repressive powers of the state
By Peter Schwarz, September 26, 2012
The aim of the anti-Islamic campaign is to divide the working class, suppress opposition to imperialist war, whip up right-wing forces, and direct growing social tensions into reactionary, racist channels.
French youth riot against police brutality in Amiens-Nord
By Antoine Lerougetel, August 16, 2012
Violent clashes youth and police took place on Sunday and Monday nights in the Amiens-Nord council estate.
Defend immigrants in Greece
By Christoph Dreier, August 11, 2012
Last weekend, some 4,500 Athens police officers were mobilized to round up thousands of people believed to be immigrants.
France’s Socialist Party government plans to force Roma into ghettos
By Kumaran Ira, August 3, 2012
The new social-democratic government is threatening to dismantle Roma encampments and force the Roma into “integration villages.”
Letters in defense of the German Socialist Equality Party
April 27, 2012
The following is a selection of readers’ letters on “Hands off the Socialist Equality Party in Germany!”
Hands off the Socialist Equality Party in Germany!
By Peter Schwarz, April 26, 2012
The assault on three meetings of the Socialist Equality Party in Germany in defence of Günter Grass represent an enormous intensification of the attacks on democratic rights.
Right-wing Zionist provocateurs and student council representative close down Leipzig meeting to defend Günter Grass
By our correspondents, April 26, 2012
As with previous meetings in Frankfurt and Berlin, a meeting in Leipzig held Tuesday was met with a huge and coordinated provocation.
European court’s extradition ruling and Guantanamo’s global reach
By Bill Van Auken, April 13, 2012
Tuesday’s ruling by the European human rights court allowing Britain’s extradition of five alleged terror suspects to the US speaks volumes about the erosion of basic democratic principles throughout Europe.
European Court’s extradition ruling: A major blow to democratic rights
By Julie Hyland, April 12, 2012
The decision by the European Court of Human Rights that five men detained on terror-related charges can be extradited to the United States marks a major assault on democratic rights.
Stop the warmongers! Defend Günter Grass!
By Wolfgang Weber, April 11, 2012
The campaign of defamation against one of the world’s best known writers, a recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature and many other awards, makes clear that the German ruling class and its counterparts in Washington and Tel Aviv are intent on intimidating and silencing anyone who dares criticise the preparations for war against Iran.
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