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New York: Continuing misery in Rockaways in aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

By Philip Guelpa, December 12, 2012

Conditions in the Rockaways section of New York in the wake of the storm reveal the underlying social reality that is otherwise ignored.

Workers protest low wages at New York City fast-food restaurants

By Sandy English, December 1, 2012

Hundreds of fast-food workers and their supporters protested against low wages and lack of benefits at McDonald’s and Burger King restaurants in New York City.

In advance of Hurricane Sandy, New York warned on vulnerable infrastructure

By Dan Brennan, November 20, 2012

The scope of devastation wrought by Sandy was predicted by numerous scientific studies commissioned by government agencies over the past decade.

Rent strike threat after deaths at storm-ravaged New York housing complex

By a WSWS reporting team, November 17, 2012

Residents of Knickerbocker Village had called for a rent strike over the lack of electricity, heat and hot water, conditions that led to the deaths of two elderly residents last week.

SEP candidate Phyllis Scherrer campaigns among Brooklyn College students

By our reporting team, November 6, 2012

Socialist Equality Party vice-presidential candidate Phyllis Scherrer spoke to students at Brooklyn College Monday about the need for socialist policy for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

One week after Hurricane Sandy, human crisis and class tensions grow

By Fred Mazelis, November 6, 2012

A week after Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of the United States, large numbers of storm victims remain without power, heat or a roof over their heads as the cold weather sets in.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy: Aid for Coney Island too little and too late

By Sandy English, November 3, 2012

New York City’s Coney Island was badly hit by Hurricane Sandy on Monday night and has received minimal aid from government agencies.

Growing popular anger as Hurricane Sandy death toll rises to 90

By Kate Randall, November 2, 2012

More than 4.5 million remain without power in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, while the threat of a fuel crisis grows and transit remains crippled in the Northeast.

Food shortages in Brooklyn public housing in aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

By a WSWS reporting team, November 2, 2012

Residents of Red Hook Brooklyn lined up for food and water Thursday, three days after Hurricane Sandy flooded the New York City neighborhood

New York City public housing without lights, heat or water after storm

By a WSWS reporting team, November 1, 2012

Three days after Hurricane Sandy struck New York City, thousands of residents of public housing remain without electricity, heat or running water and, in many cases, are living in flood-like conditions, particularly in lower Manhattan.

Storm’s damage to aging infrastructure leaves New York City paralyzed

By Bill Van Auken, October 31, 2012

Flooding from Hurricane Sandy has left New York, America’s largest city and financial capital, paralyzed because of damage to aging transit and power infrastructure.

$100 million contribution to New York’s Central Park

Hedge fund billionaire Paulson spruces up the front lawn

By Clare Hurley, October 31, 2012

Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson has given $100 million to the private non-profit conservancy that maintains Central Park in New York City last week.